Top 30 WhatsApp tricks | WhatsApp tips and tricks | WhatsApp hidden secrets

WhatsApp is a very popular social network by which millions of people chat and share files and make voice and video calls to interact with others. There were two friends of USA who developed WhatsApp but later when it became so popular amongst the people Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg purchased it and now WhatsApp is called a Facebook's service. If you want to check how many people are using WhatsApp you can go to PlayStore and see WhatsApp 'Downloads' and its rating. I would like to clear a thing here that how many downloads you are seeing on PlayStore are not the real number of WhatsApp users because only 5-10% people download an app and others get it via 'file transfer'.

Today we will discuss WhatsApp's secrets those aren't familiar to everyone. Maybe some of them you know very well but mostly are unknown to you. So let's get started one by one : -

1) Archive Chat

If you want to hide a personal chat that you don't want to show anyone then you can do it. Long press a chat and click on archive icon, doing this will hide/disappear the chat. You can reappear it whenever you want. Just go to the bottom of your chats, you will see archived chats with number of chats, click on it and again long press the chat and click on archive icon once again. Chat will reappear in chat list as usual.

2. Blank Text

To send a blank message type `    three times in the beginning and leaving space according to your choice again type(') three times.

Another way to send blank message -  Download an app from PlayStore namely 'Blank Text' it will help you to send blank text in WhatsApp.

3. Block and unblock contacts

If you don't want to receive the messages from any particular contact then you have an option to stop receiving messages. Open your chat list, click on three dots next to search icon   -> Settings Accounts -> Privacy -> Blocked contacts -> Click on Add icon (Right side on the top) -> Select the contacts which you want to block.

If you want to unblock someone, go to blocked contacts -> Long press the contact -> Click on three dots -> Unblock.

4. Chat without adding number

If you want to start chat with someone without adding his number on your WhatsApp then you will have to download 'WhatsMe' it will help you to chat without adding number.

5. Double WhatsApp in Single Phone

If you want to run two WhatsApp accounts in a single phone then you will have to download 'Parallel Space' by which you can run double whatsapp, facebook and other social accounts.

6. Custom Notification

If you have number of contacts but you don't want to miss the personal messages sent by your close friends and relatives then you can set custom notification tone on them. Click on an individual chat -> Click on contact name/number -> Custom notifications -> Check the box 'Use custom notifications' -> Notification tone -> Set your desired tone.

You can also use 'Popup notification' that will show the messages on the middle screen as popup.

7. Message Delivery Info

If you had sent a message to an individual chat and you want to check when the message was delivered and when it read by the receiver then you can do it. Long press on your message and Click on eye icon. Have you got the info ?

If you had leave a message in a WhatsApp group and you want to check whom to your message is delivered and by whom it read ? Here is also the same process. Go to group -> Long press on your message -> Click on eye icon.

8. Doodle Photos

Want to send an Emoji adding with an image, just do it. Click on gallery in WhatsApp -> Choose an image -> Click on smiley face -> Select an Emoji and set it where you want.

9. Email Chat

By using this feature you can send an individual chat history by email to anyone without media files (photos, videos, audios) and with media files.
Open a chat -> Click on options icon -> More -> Email Chat -> Select with media or without media -> Enter email address whom to send whole chat conversation -> Send.

10. End to End Encryption

By using this feature of WhatsApp you can keep your personal chat secure even from the reach of WhatsApp. This process needs two mobiles whose chat history we want to keep secure: -

In First Mobile
Open a chat -> click on chat name/number -> Encryption (Have you got a QR code ?)

In Second Mobile
Open a chat -> click on chat name/number -> Encryption -> Scan code (Scan the QR code of first mobile)

11. Hide/Show Personal Seen

In WhatsApp you can set privacy on your personal information like Last seen, Profile photo, About, Status. These information can be hide/show to everyone, nobody & contacts only. Do it in this way : -
Open your Chat list -> Click on Options icon -> Settings -> Privacy -> (Set privacy on Last seen, Profile photo, About or Status by choosing one of Everyone, Nobody or Contacts.

12. Show/Hide media files

You can show or hide the media files downloaded from WhatsApp by renaming the folder name. Follow the steps to do it : -
Go to File manager -> WhatsApp Folder -> Media -> WhatsApp Images -> Long press 'WhatsApp Images' folder -> Click on 'More' -> Rename -> Just add (.) before the name of folder -> Rename.
See the example : -
.WhatsApp Images

Do the same with all folders whose media files you want to be disappeared from your Phone Gallery.

To show media files again in your Phone Gallery remove that dot/point before the name of folder.

13. Hide name whom you are chatting with

If you are chatting with someone on WhatsApp and there is someone with you and you don't want to show the name whom you are chatting with. So you can do it : -
Open the chat whom you are chatting with -> Long press on a message sent or received by you -> (Is there any name on the top ?)

After long press on a message once, you can continue your chatting without showing the name.

14. Hide chat on Locked Screen

If your WhatsApp messages show on locked screen and you don't want to be shown them on locked screen, you can do it : -
Go to your Phone Settings -> Applications -> WhatsApp - Uncheck the box 'Show notifications'

15. Image Changer

There is an app on PlayStore namely 'Image Preview Changer' that is used only for fun. When you will share a photo of an actress from this app and it will be changed to a donkey or any other thing 😉😉😉😁

16. Stop media auto download

If you have number of WhatsApp contacts and you receive lots of media files those download automatically and you don't want the same. Just do it to that : -
Go to WhatsApp -> Settings -> Data usage -> When using mobile data -> Uncheck all boxes to stop auto download media files.

If you want that when you are connected on Wi-Fi your WhatsApp media files should be downloaded automatically then you can click on 'When connected on Wi-Fi' that is below to 'When using mobile data' and check all boxes.

To allow/disallow auto download media files on mobile data/Wi-Fi you can keep the media boxes checked/unchecked.

17. Pin your personal chat

By using this feature of WhatsApp you can keep your personal chats on the top of chat list. To do it click on an individual chat and click on pin icon. The pinned chat will be shown on the top.

18. Reply in Group (Quote message)

If you are in a group and one of the group members asked something and you want to reply him in the group then long press on his message and click on left side arrow and reply him. Your message will be sent with that message which you are replying.

19. Send GIF

Suppose you have no GIF images in your phone, still you can send GIF images on WhatsApp. Do it in this way : -
Click on a chat -> Click on file icon -> Gallery -> Pick a video -> Crop the video of 6 seconds -> (Are you seeing a GIF option next to Video icon ?) Click on GIF -> Send.

20. Send full length video

When you send a long video on WhatsApp, it shows you the limit how much long video you can send on WhatsApp. It's mean you are not able to send a full length video but you do it successfully if you send a video by clicking on Camera icon and send video.
Another way to send full length video in WhatsApp -> Go to your Phone Gallery -> Click on the video -> Click on share -> Click on WhatsApp -> Send.

21. Tag people in Group

One thing I have already told you how to personally chat in group ? It's possible by Quote message and now I am telling you another method. Just type @ in the group and wait for few seconds until you see the list of all group members. Click on a member's name or number to tag him with your message. In this way that message will be considered only for the tagged members.

22. Text formatting

It's an amazing and trending feature of WhatsApp by which you can send a message in different type of styles. See the some text formatting example here :

~Cut Text~

If you want more text formats download an app from PlayStore namely 'Font Lyrics' and type your message, copy message from any text format and paste it in WhatsApp.

23. Text Repeater

It is used only for the purpose of entertainment. If you want to send a long message to entertain with someone you will have to download an app from PlayStore namely 'WhatsApp Bubble'. Type a message in WhatsApp Bubble and set the frequency of the message and send.

24. Two-step verification

When we create a WhatsApp account we have to verify our mobile number. If you set two-step verification on your WhatsApp then nobody will be able to create a WhatsApp account with your number. To activate two-step verification on your WhatsApp follow my instructions : -
Open WhatsApp -> Click on Options icon -> Settings -> Account -> Two-step verification -> Enable -> (Enter a 6-digit pin for the first verification and remember that) -> retype the pin (Confirm pin) -> Enter an email for the second verification -> Verify email -> Save.

25. Unblock yourself

If someone has blocked you, so don't worry I am going to tell you a trick by which you can unblock yourself in a few minutes. But it will delete you from all WhatsApp groups those you are joined now. Do it in this way : -
Open WhatsApp -> Settings -> Account -> Delete my account -> Enter your phone number -> Delete my account.

After completing all the above steps :-
* Account will be deleted
* Message history will be erased
* You will be deleted from all joined WhatsApp groups and contacts.

26. Starred Messages

By using this feature you can keep important messages separate from chats. To do it long press (select) the messages you want to starred and then click on star icon. Now, probably you will think that don't know where are starred messages. To get starred messages open WhatsApp and click on more icon, now click on Starred messages. Have you gotten all the starred messages.

27. WhatsApp Web

It shows a QR code that you can scan to use the same WhatsApp account in two phones. Maybe someone has scanned your QR code and using your account in his device. So, you can log out your account from all devices. To do it open your WhatsApp -> Click on Options icon -> WhatsApp Web -> Log out from all computers.

28. Fake WhatsApp Chat

This app is for doing prank with your friends but some people use it and tell so much lies.By the way, download this app from PlayStore namely 'Fake Chat Conversation' and then follow my instructions : -
Open Fake Chat Conversation -> Click (+) sign -> New fake chat -> Enter your friend's name and add his profile pic -> Choose any last seen -> Save changes.

After completing above mentioned steps you can start fake chat. When you will have typed the message you will see two buttons incomming and outgoing. If you click left button it will be shown as received message and right button will show sent message.

29. Make group admin

If you have your own WhatsApp group and you want to make someone group admin along with you. You can do it in this way :-
Open the group -> Click on group name -> Long on the member's name/number whom you want to make admin -> Make group admin.

30. Clear chat

Suppose you a WhatsApp group and there is no beneficial message and you don't want to exit the group. So, you can clear whole chat history of the group. To do it Open the group -> Click on More icon -> More -> Clear chat.

Have you liked the tips ? Let me know in the comments. Feel free to ask me about any queries or suggestions. I'll be happy to help you. Thank You

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  1. Thank You For Sharing Wonderful Trick Keep it up Your Good work.

  2. Very very much helpful tips... thank you for sharing all these with us...

  3. Hi Arif Khan !
    Thank you so much for sharing these tips with the users & me.


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