Making money online has become a great passion of people those have known its importance and prepared themselves for this. The major reason behind it is the competition between companies and websites. Companies and webmasters are spending a lot of money to grow their business or product services as Advertisement. When someone think of making money online first and the best name come to our minds is Google Adsense that is Google's Contextual Advertisement Program which pays handsome income for showing Advertisements on a blog or website. It is a PPC (Pay Per Click) Ad Network. Webmasters are paid for every click along with Pageviews and Ad impressions. But getting an approved Adsense Account is very hard nowadays for some of the countries.
Infolinks (Text-Adverisement)
Infolinks is also an Advertisement Network like Google Adsense and getting its approval is easier than Google Adsense. But they have also some Terms & conditions for the approval but not strict like Adsense. You will get Infolinks Approval if your site comply to Infolinks Policy. Your site must have -
● Original/Unique content
● Enough Text/Posts
● Good Looking Template
● Completely done
● Working Links
● Pages -
* About
* Contact us
* Privacy Policy
* Disclaimer
If your site comply all these terms so you can apply today and they will review your site thoroughly. You will get an Email within two days that your site gets approval or not. I'd like to say you "Congrats !" if you get approved by Infolinks team. Sign in to your Infolinks account and pick up the Ad units and place them into your blog. If they refuse your site because of any reasons then improve that and reapply for the approval.
A few years ago Infolinks offered only Text-Adverisements to its publishers but after Infolinks updated some new features in that Infolinks offered Image Ads, pop up ads and different colorized text ads that can be customize using given options.
Earnings from Infolinks
I have talked to some of the Bloggers who are earning from Infolinks more than Adsense. When I asked them how much can I earn with Infolinks ? Their reply was almost the same, "Your revenue depends on the traffic your site receives." Traffic is the key to make a site success in making money. After few days I will upload Earning proof screenshot of Infolinks that you may motivate for joining.
Add multiple sites in Infolinks
You can add multiple sites with an account but every site must be approved separately. Wait for the approval and after getting approval you can pick up the code and place that instantly into your site. Its not necessary to have multiple sites because if you have a site that has number of visitors/traffic then you can earn hundreds of dollars from single site. Join it today and watch the magic.
Hope that you liked this article about Infolinks. If any question & query comes in your mind feel free to me via comment box or contact form, I'll be happy to help you. Thank You
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